Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Post class thoughts

Today in class a few people presented as part of their informal presentation and it left me with many thoughts.

The topic was about Cyborgs, and although it may initially make one think of a half-robot-half-human creature, in mythological terms it refers to half-human-half-animal creatures. The presenters talked about how we as humans wish to create more than we ever thought capable, and the idea of creating a cyborg-like race would be the ultimate accomplishment as a human race.

They also brought up the fact that individuals with prosthetic limbs/parts could be considered a cyborg, which I found to be interesting. I mentioned how Oscar Pistorious, an olympic track and field athlete, used a prosthetic leg to race. Although he had extremely respectable talent given the circumstances, many believed that his prosthetic leg gave him an edge over competition. The debate on whether or not to allow those with prosthetic limbs and other things that could qualify them to be considered handicapped to participate in sports alongside perfectly healthy individuals has been prevalent throughout society.

I believe that they should not be discriminated given the circumstances of the situation.

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