Monday, April 25, 2016

Portfolio Prompt #9

Ericka Stewart Annotated Bib
4/25/16 FYS

1.“The Gift of Fire: Zeus and Prometheus,” accessed April 24, 2016,

This source, found on an educational website, described the story of Zeus and Prometheus. In efforts to explain the major themes of this myth, the source emphasized the importance of fire and the role it played in the progression of mortal life. However, this source also pointed out the key role that Hercules played in releasing Prometheus from the chains, which is something which varies from version to version. Overall, the source was helpful for the research paper.

2. Herbert S. Long, “Notes on Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound”, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society (1958): 229-233, accessed April 24, 2016.
This source was found from the scholarly website, JSTOR. The journal article detailed
the profound teachings of this myth. This source also shed light on the variety of symbolism found within the myth of Prometheus, such as the symbolism of the chains he was bound with, as well as being left in isolation away from mankind. All in all, I found this article to be extremely fascinating and quite useful in my research process.

3. Picariello, Damien K, and Arlene W Saxonhouse. 2015. "Aeschylus and the Binding of the Tyrant." Polis: The Journal Of The Society For The Study Of Greek Political Thought: 271-296. Philosopher's Index, EBSCOhost, accessed April 25, 2016.

This source, found on EBSCOhost, specialized on the flaws found within the myth. It details how Zeus' subordinates understand his tyranny to be characterized by an absolute freedom of action. However, the tyrant's freedom as ruler is called into question by insecurity of his position and by his reliance on Prometheus's knowledge. This source points out that Prometheus Bound is a model of tyrannical rule filled with contradictions. For example, Zeus’ claim to total control and absolute freedom coincides with his own insecurity, impotence, and constraint. This source contained a plethora of new ideas that will further the research process.

4. Montmarquet, James. 2011. "Prometheus: Ayn Rand's Ethic of Creation." The Journal Of Ayn Rand Studies 11:1, no. 21: 3-18. Philosopher's Index, EBSCOhost (accessed April 25, 2016).

This source, which was also found on EBSCOhost, shed light on the notions of being selfless versus that of being selfish. It stated how Prometheus displayed selfless acts and increased efforts to help mortals. This source covered material particular to the ethics of creation, reproduction, and development, which I found to be extremely beneficial to my research considering no other sources shed light on this topic. This was the most interesting and useful source I found.

5. Yopie Prins. "The Sexual Politics of Translating Prometheus Bound." Cultural Critique 74, no. 1 (2010): 164-180. (accessed April 25, 2016).

This source was found on the scholarly website known as Project MUSE and exhibited the role of women throughout Prometheus Bound. Although it will assist in the creation of my research paper, I did not find this source to be as helpful as the other sources I came across. The article states, “Having taught the composition of letters to save humanity, Prometheus demonstrates the imposition of letters more specifically on the female body. Writing on the deltos of her memory is a sexual metaphor, making the discourse with Prometheus sound prophetic of her future intercourse with Zeus.” This was extremely fascinating to me and the information will be able to be utilized for my research paper.

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