Saturday, April 16, 2016

Portfolio Prompt #7

I chose to represent Kevin Malone from the hit television show "The Office", as I feel that his character is not represented enough.

Letter to Jim Halpert from Kevin Malone:

Dear Jim,

I wanted to reach out to you to address some things that have been on my mind. Although I do not quite have the courage to discuss these things with anyone else in the office, I feel comfortable reaching out to you in particular.

I have been dealing with a lot of personal issues pertaining to my weight. Many of our co-workers look at me differently due to my weight and size and as much as I'm trying to change my lifestyle, I am struggling to stay focused. My self esteem is depleting due to this too. It is hard for me to get a girlfriend because I don't have the confidence to ask anyone on a date; I feel like she would judge me.

I need your help Jim. You are charming, funny, and smart, and I wish I had similar qualities that you contain. I need you to help me make better health choices, like what I should eat for lunch and how I should exercise.

Not only has my weight been effecting me, but I'm also very stressed out from the work load that I've been quietly enduring due to my fear of getting yelled at by Michael. Accounting is not an easy task to manage in a successful paper firm and the combination of judgement I experience every day does not help me at all. It could be concluded that the stress I experience at work causes me to gain weight.

All in all I desperately need your help. I really aspire to lose a few pounds and improve my mood overall, because if I continue on this path of weight gain and depression, things will get bad really quickly. My doctor is already worried about me and suggests I get Bariatric Surgery to reduce my weight and improve my life as a whole.

So Jim, if you could please be a role model to me, I would value that very much. I respect you with ever fiber in my body although I may not show it due to my quiet behavior. I hope you can assist me in this new lifestyle and journey I wish to endure (with your assistance of course).

Thank you,

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