Sunday, April 3, 2016

Portfolio Prompt #4

Step-by-Step Speech Writing Worksheet

Topic: Prometheus, The Outcast

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the key features of Prometheus as displayed by the author Aeschylus in Prometheus Bound.  Also to discuss the differences in the portrayal of Prometheus by Hesiod and Lucian in comparison to Aeschylus. Lastly, to review why Prometheus may be considered an outcast or trickster figure in Greek Myth.


Thesis: Prometheus was extremely different from other Gods due to his yearning to help mortals and his ability to display the power of knowledge, and thus making Prometheus an Outcast amongst the Gods.


Transition- Now I will discuss how Prometheus contained a variety of traits which make him so different from the other Gods

Main Point #1-  Helps mortals in many incredible ways

Transition- Next I will identify another point which causes Prometheus to be such a unique God in Greek mythology

Main Point #2-  He demonstrates that knowledge is a powerful thing

Transition- Lastly, I will prove that Prometheus is a God like no other

Main Point #3-  Prometheus had the bravery to risk punishment to face a powerful entity


Summary- Prometheus was a God who helped mortals in a variety of ways, while also displaying that knowledge is power, as well as displayed great bravery. He is extremely unique due to the qualities he contains which are not found in any other God or Goddess.

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