Friday, April 8, 2016

Olympic Games!

This blog was meant to be posted on April 6th but I finalized it today!

The date holds a special significance: The date of the first modern Olympic Games.

The Olympics, held every four years, occurred during the religious festival in honor of the Greek god Zeus. In the eighth century B.C., competitors came from a dozen or more different Greek cities, and by the fifth century B.C. from as many as 100 cities from throughout the Greek empire. 

Originally, Olympic competition was limited to foot races, but later in history many other events were added. This includes wrestling, boxing, chariot racing, and military competitions. As a participant of Track and Field, learning about the introduction of the pentathlon in 708 B.C.,  which consisted of a foot race, the long jump, discus and javelin throws, and wrestling, is fascinating and relatable to me. 

Unfortunately, with the rise of Rome, the Olympics dwindled down, and in 393 A.D. the Roman Emperor Theodosius I, a Christian, abolished the Games as part of his efforts to suppress paganism in the Roman Empire.

The article in itself was extremely fascinating due to personal connection to sports and competition.

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