Monday, April 11, 2016

Portfolio Prompt #6: Article of Alterity

As per requested for the sixth portfolio prompt, I found a lengthy yet interesting article on alterity in relation to diversity in culture. The article itself does not frequently use the term alterity, however it makes interesting connections and relationships comparing to diversity in cultures and religion to the idea and notion of otherness.

The questions I prepared for this article are listed below:

1. (Open discussion question) In this article what is the connection between alterity and religion as seen in the article?
2. (More critical thinking question) Do you feel that, after reading the article, that alterity is more prominent in the third world countries compared to places like the United States or United Kingdom? Why or why not? Furthermore, Do you believe that alterity of ethnic and racial groups is good for the growth and development of society? Why or why not?

Below is the article link:

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