Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thesis statement activity

I just wanted to reflect on yesterdays class lesson where we went over helpful tips and tricks to a quality thesis statement. The lesson made me realize the importance of a thesis statement within an essay. A thesis statement is the focal point of the essay and is, in general, what the essay will be discussing. This statement, however, needs to have the ability to be argued, ability to be demonstrated, forceful, and ultimately confident. It also has to be specific and precise, as being general about a topic would result in an unclear essay.

From the lesson I learned that the thesis should not contain words like "I think" or "I believe" due to the lack of confidence that those words connote. I also learned that being confident and specific will display and possibly even convince an audience to believe what your saying is correct.

Lastly, the packet mentions that thesis statements can be found in everyday life and that being aware of everyone else's thesis statements as well as your own thesis statements. I found this to be extremely interesting and useful.

Works Cited:
9.1 Developing a Strong, Clear Thesis Statement

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