Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Exercise 1: Free Write on "Otherness"

Prompt: How do I understand the Other and/or Otherness?

Response: I can understand the other by reading mythological literature that contains this notion of "otherness". By utilizing mythological resources such as texts and stories, I will be able to further my understanding of the other. I'm currently unsure of what the other means, whether it pertains to a higher power or something of a topic not discussed before. However, I feel that by exposing myself to as much mythological background and history as possible, I will be able to grasp the idea of "other" and "otherness". As of right now, the other could be a spiritual piece; one in which is different to explain to western culture. It could be something that science cannot prove and could therefore be something which modern society doesn't see relevance towards. Why is it called the other? Does that have to do with unexplainable things, so the word "other" is utilized? Through classic mythological texts as well as exposure in general to the ideas of the other I believe I will be able to shed some light on this "otherness"

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