Thursday, February 4, 2016

Response to Plato, The Role of Poets

After reading this passage, I was able to make some connections between what I read on the page, and what I have been learning in my philosophy class. In philosophy, we are learning about Descartes Meditations. In the first and second meditation, Descartes discusses how knowledge is truly aquired and goes further into discussing what is true in what we observe and learn. Descartes stated that he has been fooled since he was young because of what he used to believe in as a result of what his senses told him. Interestingly, in Plato, Socrates talked about how the young are told stories which are false, and then they are taught this stories before their physical training begins. Socrates and Adeimantos talk about how young minds are so malleable and should be taught the correct information, as it will shape and mold them into adults. Speaking of the topic of information, they discussed how poets influence young minds due to their incredibly teachable stories. I found the connections between the two classes to be extremely fasinating.

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