Monday, February 22, 2016

Persephone in class today

After going over the Hymn to Demeter in class I just wanted to reflect my thoughts:

This has to be one of my favorite myths for the purpose of demonstrating the purpose of myth-These thoughts were also included in my Formal Paper- and I feel that it is easy for any reader to grasp the concept of the seasons.

That being said this myth is a perfect example of why myth is important in society. The story is captivating to any and all audiences, with the drama of the abduction of Persephone by Hades into the underworld. The story was also relatable, as we could relate to the distraught feelings of her mother, Demeter, for the absence of her daughter. Because of this sadness and distress, Demeter, who is the goddess of fertility and agriculture, she halted growth in crops. Thus, 9 months of the year Demeter goes looking in sadness for her abducted daughter, and this time we call winter, due to the lack of agriculture and growth.

Works Cited: Callimachus, and Neil Hopkinson. Hymn to Demeter. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984.

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