Monday, February 15, 2016

Biology connections to Greek Myth

Reading through my biology textbook while stu(dying) for my exam, I noticed a few familiar terms which I found to be of the Greek origin. Echopraxia, the involuntary mimicking of another's movements, has the prefix "echo", which is a Greek nymph. The story of Echo details a beautiful nymph (Echo) who would never stop talking. She once deceived the goddess Hera, who in response passed a sentence upon her not to be able to speak, but only to respond by repeating the last words of the person talking to her. Echo fell in love with Narcissus and was unable to express herself to him and could only repeat his last words. I found this connection to be quite fascinating as I have an interest in the medical field and am able to find connections to Greek myth as different as those two genres might be. I looked further into the prefix-echo, and found more terms, including echocardiogram, echophfnia, and echotextures; all of which pertaining to the repetition of something or the mimicking of something. 

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