Sunday, March 27, 2016

Response to 'Mental Waters'

After reading the homework assignment, I wanted to reflect my thoughts of what I read. I thought it was interesting that the author believed that myth was a "long succession of peaks and troughs", meaning the dealing with low points, or the moment in history when mythological fables were seen as barbaric and childish.

It shocked me, however, that myth was believed to be thought of as an "evocative sound" and caused people fear due to the idea of an "ungovernable guest" who must be discreetly observed. It was said that mythology has painted a beautiful and also powerful image of the gods.

Interestingly enough, this read made mention to metamorphosis that occurs when myth passes from generation to generation. The myth transforms yet contains its origins, which is similar to the readings the different myths we had to do prior to reading this piece. All the myths contain characters which go through a metamorphosis or transformation of some sort. This reading connected with those myths in that regard.

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