Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Portfolio Prompt #3

1. Slogan: “ Everyday Americans need a Champion. I want to be that champion” -Hillary Clinton

Hilary is telling Americans that she wants to be the champion or winner of America. Typically a champion gives the connotation of a figure who is looked up to and someone who achieves something out of the ordinary and above everyone else.

This slogan is mythic due to her use of the word champion in the slogan. In Greek Myth, a champion is glorified and could be considered a leader. Hillary Clinton wants to be the superior leader from what was said in her slogan. The purpose of chariot racing in mythological times was to see who was the mightiest and most brave of all the Greeks. The notion of “champion” puts an image of a victorious individual who has fought their way to superiority against another. The diction Hillary Clinton uses in the beginning of her slogan- “Everyday Americans”- implies that being a champion is out of the ordinary, which is completely valid. Again, this implies that being a champion is rare.This concept is due to greek myth, and is clearly present in modern society.

In relation to Joseph Campbell's Hero archetype, this fits his definition in regards to the Call To Adventure, where Hillary is taking the challenge and stepping up to compete against her other political competitors.

2. Slogan : "Defeat the Washington Machine. Unleash the American Dream."- Paul Rand

By Paul Rand's political slogan, he is stating that the "Washington Machine", meaning U.S. Government in the White House located in Washington D.C., needs to be taken over and transformed into something preferable to Americans. 

This slogan contains mythic qualities due to the use of the word "Defeat", which is commonly seen in greek mythology. The idea of war and battle is so abundant in mythological tales and plays a huge role in society today. 

This slogan also fits into the pattern of the hero archetype that Joseph Campbell speaks of in various ways. First, the slogan mentions "Unleash the American Dream", which is a distinct Call To Adventure. It makes the hero rise up and tackle a task they are about to face. Second, this slogan fits with Campbell's "Reward", which is releasing the great American Dream to the US Government. 

The diction of the slogan as a whole is very clear and distinct while also relaying a forceful, and almost violent, message. According to Plato's Euthyphro, the Gods always fought and it caused much distress in the heavens and reflected negatively on the Gods who fought with each other. Violence is a commonality among Greek Myth, however it displays power, which is yearned for in Rand's slogan. Citizens (typically) hold respect for individuals of high power.

3. Slogan : "Ready for change, ready to lead"- Hilary Clinton

This slogan stated by Hillary Clinton has a few different meanings that aim to promote her campaign. She first makes note that the time is now for a change, then follows her statement with talking about how she wants to lead. Her slogan encourages people to agree with this notion of change while also displaying to people that she is willing to lead the charge.

The slogan contains mythic qualities. This notion of change and a new leader hints at the idea of revolution, which is a very common topic in greek myth. The country is ready for a change due to possible hardships or struggles that took place during the course of the term of a ruler (in our case a president). Due to the poor judgment and ruling of the leader, the country may call for a change and a new leader would be searched for. Clinton is exhibiting ideas of revolution, where a bad leader is removed from office and is replaced with a good one (implying herself). This is found in many mythological tales such as Cronos, where Cronos overthrew his own father and ruled until his son, Zeus, overthrew him. Hillary Clinton hints at revolution as seen in mythological tales.

4. Slogan: "A political revolution is coming"- Bernie Sanders

By this slogan, Bernie Sanders is stating that with a change of president, there will be an alteration within the government and political office. He could be implying that if he is voted president then a change in government will take place, which is what many, if not most Americans, wish to see.

The slogan is indeed mythic in regards to the verbiage of Sanders' slogan. Sanders stating that "..revolution is coming", provides an image in the audience's head of a destructive and violent change. Similarly to slogan #3, the roots of greek mythology provide us with these mental images which we so effortlessly relate words to, like the term 'revolution' in this case. 

Ritual theory is also present in Bernie Sanders' slogan. One of the characteristics of a ritual is a pattern or behavior that exhibits regularity or repetition. The theme of political revolutions is found in mythological tale when a leader is driving the country into a bad state. In response of a poor leader, citizens look for a change, and ultimately the removal of that leader in exchange for a new and better leader. This also follows another characteristic of ritual which is expression of meaning. American's would not go out of their way to vote for a new political leader if they did not wish for a change. This ritual of change as expressed in Bernie Sander's slogan as well as the action of Americans during this time of political campaigns.

5. Slogan: "Reigniting the Promise of America"- Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz is saying the "promise of America", meaning the greatness of our country when compared to other countries, will be "reignited" or rekindled. He is encouraging his campaign by firing up American's with patriotism.

In regards to being mythic, this slogan has mythological aspects. The word 'Reignite' as used in Cruz's slogan creates a victorious image in the minds of his audience. An event like the Olympics, which originated from the Greeks, a flame is used to light a giant cauldron which signals the start of the Olympics. Therefore, it could be implied that Cruz meant to put this victorious image in our mind that signaled the start of the "Promise of America" which is present in his slogan. 

Ted Cruz's slogan connotes triumph for America (in the context), which is found everywhere in Greek Myth. The purpose of many, if not most, mythological tales revolves around the idea of a triumphant victor. This is similar to politics in the United States, as the purpose of running for a government position is to win. In Cruz's slogan, he is emphasizing this triumph for America, that is, if he is voted for president. As a result of greek myth, civilizations yearn for triumph, and in American elections, that is the ultimate achievement.

Works Cited: 
Plato, and Chris Emlyn-Jones. Euthyphro. London: Bristol Classical Press, 1991.

Sasha Shivers. "MYTH & RITUAL." Prezi.com. Accessed February 28, 2016. 

Shwartz, Hunter. "The 2016 Presidential Slogans, Ranked." Washington Post. May 8,                    2015. Accessed March 01, 2016. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-                        fix/wp/2015/05/08/the-2016-candidates-slogans-ranked/.

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