Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Interesting NY Times Blog Post

I found this article while reading the New York Times and found it to be extremely interesting. It discussed how mythology is not particularly just myth as a result of archaeological findings. Old bones, pottery, and other artifacts prove that beings which are described in greek myth actually may have existed. This made me think of Dinosaurs, which are also proved to have existed through remains, which are extremely incredible animals. To think they once existed could be on the same level as thinking that mythological individuals once existed, however, we automatically believe that Dinosaurs once roamed earth before us due to the geological and archeological evidence.

This article as a whole, was very interesting to read and pertained to Greek Mythology.


Reflection on class presentations

I was thinking about presentations that took place on Monday and found some of them to be extraordinarily striking. Most specifically, the presentation on alterity found everywhere in society. This made me notice that this is very true, especially walking around campus, where a diverse group of people from all over the world gather to study. But this alterity isn't just seen on campus; it literally surrounds us in every aspect of life. Each person who wakes up in the morning is completely different from the next, as similar as it may seem. Personalities, lifestyle choices, and habits all are a part of making an individual contain their own form of alterity.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Informative Gods and Goddess Video

I found this video on Greek Gods and Goddesses. This video describes each well known God and Goddess in Greek Mythology, which I found to be pretty interesting. The creator of the video had their own take on each God/Goddess' personality.

"10 Things You Didn't Know About Greek Myth"

I was roaming through google and found this website! I found it to be somewhat comical but also informative in regards to Greek Mythology.


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Cool Finds on Pinterest

I found this on Pinterest and thought it was helpful/interesting and relatable to class!

Dream Log

Today I took a very long nap and had a dream that I could relate to Greek Mythology. Considering our class lesson schedule, I believe I had this dream as a result of the Cyborg presentation that took place yesterday.

I was walking around campus and everyone had mutated faces and parts. Unlike Cyborgs, everyone had what looked like melted and destroyed limbs which came off to me as a little bit horrifying. Robot-like, everyone was facing in one direction and did not speak to one another.

From the presentation, it was discussed that this new creation of a new race would be an incredible accomplishment, however my dream made it seem like we were being taken over by a robot-mutant civilization.

This made me think of a few questions: Would developing a new species end up taking over our own? Especially if they became superior to us?

Post class thoughts

Today in class a few people presented as part of their informal presentation and it left me with many thoughts.

The topic was about Cyborgs, and although it may initially make one think of a half-robot-half-human creature, in mythological terms it refers to half-human-half-animal creatures. The presenters talked about how we as humans wish to create more than we ever thought capable, and the idea of creating a cyborg-like race would be the ultimate accomplishment as a human race.

They also brought up the fact that individuals with prosthetic limbs/parts could be considered a cyborg, which I found to be interesting. I mentioned how Oscar Pistorious, an olympic track and field athlete, used a prosthetic leg to race. Although he had extremely respectable talent given the circumstances, many believed that his prosthetic leg gave him an edge over competition. The debate on whether or not to allow those with prosthetic limbs and other things that could qualify them to be considered handicapped to participate in sports alongside perfectly healthy individuals has been prevalent throughout society.

I believe that they should not be discriminated given the circumstances of the situation.