Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Interesting NY Times Blog Post

I found this article while reading the New York Times and found it to be extremely interesting. It discussed how mythology is not particularly just myth as a result of archaeological findings. Old bones, pottery, and other artifacts prove that beings which are described in greek myth actually may have existed. This made me think of Dinosaurs, which are also proved to have existed through remains, which are extremely incredible animals. To think they once existed could be on the same level as thinking that mythological individuals once existed, however, we automatically believe that Dinosaurs once roamed earth before us due to the geological and archeological evidence.

This article as a whole, was very interesting to read and pertained to Greek Mythology.


Reflection on class presentations

I was thinking about presentations that took place on Monday and found some of them to be extraordinarily striking. Most specifically, the presentation on alterity found everywhere in society. This made me notice that this is very true, especially walking around campus, where a diverse group of people from all over the world gather to study. But this alterity isn't just seen on campus; it literally surrounds us in every aspect of life. Each person who wakes up in the morning is completely different from the next, as similar as it may seem. Personalities, lifestyle choices, and habits all are a part of making an individual contain their own form of alterity.